Once organizational control has been properly established, focused attention can be brought to bear on automating the delivery pipeline as this is essential to any successful DevOps solution. To keep pace with Continuous Builds that are typically first introduced in Agile-based initiatives, deployment automation must be addressed next to reduce the risks and failures typically associated with manual deployments.
By introducing an approach that requires close collaboration among organizational participants, Rapidiant seeks to close the gap between those silos by establishing the use of common terminology and objectives, and including a selection of best-of-breed tools that take into account existing and available skillsets.
Using the latest advances in “deployment automation” tools has made implementing this segment of the pipeline increasingly easier to adopt and maintain for clients, removing the traditional costly reliance on manually intensive “script-based” solutions that often vary greatly amongst the various applications of a given organization.
This practical yet powerful approach provides compelling benefits, accelerating time to delivery increasing product usefulness while at the same time improving infrastructure stability.