Rapidiant currently supports the Dept. of Labor, Wage and Hour Division by providing modernization support services. Rapidiant has been tasked with providing services for Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), IT Strategy and Acquisition Support to assist with WHD modernization efforts. The Rapidiant Team advises WHD leadership for the strategic advancement of mission-critical business processes and Information Technology (IT) planning initiatives.
Assist WHD with Program Management Support to properly plan for IT modernization tasks, decisions and activities.
Aid in identifying inefficient and/or outdated processes that require re-engineering
Document current and re-engineered business and IT processes which impact modernization
Assist WHD in creating a complete procurement document set for submission to DOL’s Office of Procurement Services (OPS)
Support development/refinement of official DOL documents including, OMB E-300 Reports, Acquisition Plans, IT Roadmap, Public Outreach Documentation and WHD Policy Guidelines.
Additional Support includes, but is not limited to:
Program Management Support and Strategy for WHD enforcement and prevailing wage functions
Business Process Evaluation, Development, Re-engineering and Documentation
Acquisition Project Management Support, Analysis, Strategy, Market Research and Requirements Development
Gap Analysis, Cost/Schedule Estimation, Risk Identification/Mitigation, Governance Model Development